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  • 發(fā)布日期:2014-12-03      瀏覽次數(shù):1353
    •                               新型隔膜閥應用



      可以每次90度、多次旋轉到需要的位置。作為世界的管路系統(tǒng)專家,GF致力于研發(fā)更、更環(huán)保的管路產品,GF日前發(fā)布了一款新型隔膜閥,從原料到成品無不透露出對綠色變革的追求。 這款新型隔膜閥由GF的德國設計師RainerKech設計,它在材料上具有全新的無金屬螺栓隔膜閥設計,但是同傳統(tǒng)隔膜閥相比流量卻加倍。經過幾十年來在活接上的驗證,GF將螺紋應用于新隔膜閥:簡便、壓緊力均勻分布、無需反復上緊。新型隔膜閥僅保留了一個螺帽式的上蓋,舍棄了傳統(tǒng)的四螺栓設計,實現(xiàn)了*的無腐蝕連接。非常重要的是,當溫度變化時,這個塑料-塑料連接點由于具有同質特性,從而避免了泄漏的發(fā)生。 通過優(yōu)化閥體結構,新閥門具有更線性的流量曲線。另外,三通閥門的開口更加接近管壁,死區(qū)得到小化,系統(tǒng)更加衛(wèi)生,其流量和調節(jié)特性接近于角座閥。而且,新型隔膜閥具有自排空設計,型腔結構也對結晶介質不敏感。同時,作為氣動隔膜閥來說,GF新型隔膜閥所有執(zhí)行器進氣口可以每次90度、多次旋轉到需要的位置。 新型隔膜閥備件簡單、更換輕松,膜片壓緊力均勻分布而且密封等級很高。膜片界面的設計原則是螺紋連接不會傳遞任何應力到膜片軸上,柔性過渡和徑向截面的流道設計使得新隔膜閥同傳統(tǒng)隔膜閥相比流通量加倍。這個設計的實現(xiàn)有賴于GF*的制造工藝,同時死區(qū)小化大程度上保證了衛(wèi)生性。由于避免了強制湍流,磨損和噪音也大大減少。在減少壓損之外,增加的流量意味著節(jié)約能源,降低運行成本,新型隔膜閥在相同能耗條件下實現(xiàn)了少99%的流量增長。As the world's leading experts in pipeline systems, GF is committed to developing better, more environmentally friendly product lines, GF has launched a new type of diaphragm valves, from raw materials to finished products are all revealed the pursuit of the green revolution. The new diaphragm design RainerKech by GF German design, which has new material on non-metallic diaphragm bolt design, but compared with the conventional diaphragm flow was doubled. After living for decades in the validation of connected, GF diaphragm will be applied to the new thread: easy clamping force evenly distributed, without repeatedly tightened. New diaphragm retaining only a nut-like cover, abandoning the traditional four-bolt design to achieve a compley corrosion-free connections. It is very important, when the temperature changes, the plastic - plastic connection points as homogeneous characteristics, thus avoiding the occurrence of leakage. By optimizing the body structure, the new valve has a more linear flow curve. In addition, three-valve opening closer to the wall, dead to be minimized, the system is more health, and regulate its flow characteristics close to the angle seat valve. Moreover, the new diaphragm with self-draining design, the cavity structure is not sensitive to the crystallization medium. Meanwhile, as for pneumatic diaphragm valves, GF all the new diaphragm actuator inlet to each 90 degrees rotation to the desired location number. New diaphragm spare parts simple, easy to replace, patch clamping force evenly and seal level is high. Membrane interface design principles are threaded connection does not pass any stress to the diaphragm axis, radial cross section of the flexible transition and flow design makes the new diaphragm with diaphragm compared to traditional circulation doubled. The unique design of the implementation depends on the GF manufacturing process, while minimizing dead zone to ensure the greatest degree of health. In order to avoid a forced turbulence, wear and noise are greatly reduced. In addition to reducing the pressure loss, increased traffic means saving energy and reducing operating costs, energy consumption of the new diaphragm in the same conditions to achieve at least 99% of the traffic growth.

      是螺紋連接小會傳遞任何應力到膜片軸-,柔性過渡和徑向截面的流道設計使得新隔膜傳統(tǒng)隔膜閥相比流通量加倍。這個設計的實現(xiàn)有賴于GF獨-無二的制造工藝,同時死區(qū)小化大程度上保證衛(wèi)生性。一避免廠強制湍流,磨損和噪音也大大減少。柞減少壓損之外,增加的流量意味著節(jié)約能源,降低運行成本,新型隔膜閥在相節(jié)能耗條件下實現(xiàn)了少1 000/,的流量增長。與本文相關的論文有:中國閥門產值遞增